Spandan Maternity & Nursing Home

Dr. Anirban Ghosh

R.M.O. , Spandan Maternity & Nursing Home.

Dr. Anirban Ghosh

R.M.O. , Spandan Maternity & Nursing Home.

“Don’t expect a miracle; Be the miracle.”

I believe we have an outstanding staff – physicians, clinical, and support personnel – whose ultimate goal is to provide you with the best care possible in a respectful and compassionate manner. We are continually looking for new ways to be better at what we do. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what we can do to make your visit to Spandan Maternity & Nursing Home more comfortable.


Thanking You …


Dr. Anirban Ghosh

Resident Medical Officer,

Spandan Maternity & Nursing Home.

General Physician & Child Consultant
M.B.B.S(CAl) | DMCH(CAL) | R.C.GP(Cal) .
Available Days

If You Need Urgent Care, Simply Contact Our 24 Hour Emergency Hotline.

Your Health is Our Priority.


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